About you

What keeps you awake at night? What is holding your organisation back? What are you or your team not achieving that you are capable of? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Or you were clearer in where you’re heading?

Whether you’re an individual, a team leader or a company leader, asking tough questions, and finding a space to do the difficult work of answering them unlocks potential, motivation, capabilities and impact that your career, and your business really needs.

GoodThinking provides time, space and permission for you or your team to explore your best thinking, and take your most purposeful actions.

Individual coaching

Coaching is a future-focused conversation between two people, in the service of one of them - you. You define what needs to be done to achieve clarity, purpose, motivation, confidence and purposeful action for real and lasting impact.

Even at our best, we all have blind spots that prevent us from seeing the whole picture of our lives and the thoughts, habits and behaviours that hinder our growth. Coaching can help you identify these limitations, and provides you with a confidential, non-judgemental space in which to explore possible alternatives.

Individual coaching is for you if:

  • You’re feeling ‘stuck’ or dissatisfied with your current state

  • You believe you’re capable of more but are not sure what it looks like or how to get there

  • You know you need to up your game in order to progress

  • You have big ambitions and need support and challenge to reach them

“I started coaching with Fi at a time in my career when I felt very unsure about my options. Fi was brilliant at helping me define my real goals and drivers and create a mechanism to achieve them. Her powerful listening and supportive challenge really helped to expand my perspective on next steps, and has helped me progress confidently into a fantastic new role. I look forward to continuing our coaching journey!”

— Annette Kerlin, Director 121 Customer Engagement Pegasystems

Team coaching

We often believe that giving people a shared goal and telling them they are a team is enough to make them one. It’s not. A team is a group of people who trust each other. Who share a common vision, and agree on a set of principles to help them get there. This doesn’t happen by accident.

Team coaching unlocks the potential of your team members by focusing on what the team needs as an entity in its own right. How the team communicate, resolve conflict, hold its members accountable? What needs to happen for everyone on the team to feel heard, recognised, valued? How does the team serve its external stakeholders, and interact with other internal teams?

Team coaching is for you if:

  • You are part of a new or struggling team

  • As a team you’re clear on WHAT needs to be done, but not on HOW it needs to be done

  • Previous ways of working within your team are no longer effective

  • You believe your team is delivering at 80% and want to boost your collective impact

  • You want to support the teams in your business, but are not sure how to go about it

“If you sit Fi in a room with others and say ‘get that team to do good work’, she absolutely will. That’s her superpower’.”

— James Ray, CEO Armadillo

Thinking Spaces for organisations

Thinking Spaces are cost-effective ways of bringing coaching-led solutions to your entire business.

While 121 coaching is a powerful individual or team tool for unlocking potential, coaching-led group sessions can be effective employee benefit and retention solutions, and ease the development and support burden on line managers within your business.

In-house coaching days provide a regular ‘coaching surgery’ on a weekly or monthly basis. This can be offered as an employee benefit, as part of a talent development programme, or as support for line managers.

Virtual or in-person Thinking Spaces are guided group coaching sessions, accessible by any number of your team simultaneously, and provide a structured approach to thinking through a challenge or ambition.

Thinking Spaces can also accommodate coaching-led training in development issues such as giving and receiving feedback, making decisions, and creating psychological safety. Or even as a way to embed a coaching style of leadership.

For more on how Thinking Spaces can support your entire organisation, click here.

Thinking Spaces are for you if:

  • You want to attract and retain team members with a growth mindset

  • Your line managers are technically strong, but overloaded, or weaker on development

  • You want to encourage individual responsibility for development and progression

  • You want a motivated and purposeful workforce

“Organisations get complex because people get complex - particularly the high growth, ambitious ones. Having someone like Fi to support and guide you de-risks and accelerates the operations of your team and, ultimately, your bottom line. In any knowledge business, anything that helps your people be happier, less stressed, more effective and retained really matters. For the individual of course, but for the business as well.”

— Tim Deeson, Digital agency Founder